Cleft palate

[kleft ˈpælɪt]
  • 释义
  • 腭裂;

  • 双语例句
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    Objective : To study the effect of articulation disorder on psychology action cleft palate after operation.

    目的:分 析语音障碍人群心理行为,探究语音异常对患者心理状态的影响.

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    Chinese Agape Foundation will have a cleft palate medical mission in Changde this year.


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    Malformations in secondary palate fusion will lead to cleft palate, a common human birth defect.


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    Results Cleft lip ( CL ): 931 cases ( 19.57 % ), Cleft lip with palate ( CL + P ): 2743 cases ( 57.65 % ), Cleft palate only ( CPO ) : 1084 cases ( 22.78 % ).

    结果单纯唇裂 ( cleftlipCL ) 931例 ( 19.57% ), 唇裂伴腭裂(cleftlip with palate CL+P ) 2743 例 ( 57.65% ), 单纯腭裂 ( cleftpalateonlyCPO ) 1084例 ( 22.78% ).

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    Conclusion FG can be appplied in the cleft palate surgery and it is reliable and safe.


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    Some may also lead to fetal cleft lip, cleft palate, and so on.

    有的还可能导致胎儿唇裂 、 腭裂等.

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    Objective To explore the experience of caring infants with cleft palate repair.


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    Cleft palate is exterior the charge of repair operation how.


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    Objective : To probe into the relationship between postoperative nourishment of children with cleft palate and perforation.

    目的: 探讨腭裂术后穿孔与患儿机体营养状况之间的关系.

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    Cleft lip and cleft palate is a kind of common congenital malformation.


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    There are varieties Methods: To evaluate velopharyngeal function of the cleft palate patient after surgery.


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    Objective To discuss the etipathogenisis of mandibular joint disorder after cleft palate repair and the treatment.


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    Objective: Evaluating the effect of early intervention after closure of infant cleft palate.

    目的: 评价婴儿腭裂术后的早期干预效果.

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    Method Sixteen cases of cleft palate were repaired with bilateral buccal musculomucosal flaps.


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    Objective Cloning and screening a novel candidate gene related to developing mouse cleft palate.


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    The Foundation of Finite Element Model for Cleft Palate and Analysis of Biomechanical Properties.


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    We just open a new cleft palate house on February 5, 2009.


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    Objective : To investigate the function of stomatognathic system in adult cleft palate patients.

    目的: 了解腭裂患者成年后口颌系统功能状态.

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    Their baby had an operation to repair a cleft palate.


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    Objective To explore the operation methods for recessive cleft palate.


  • 21、

    Conclusion FG can be applied in the cleft palate surgery and it is reliable and safe.


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